Hi. My name is Abe Voegtle and I have written an e-book called The Renter's Bible. This project is the culmination of my experiences and work in the property management industry. Over the years, I have witnessed so many people run into problems and frustration related to renting and living in apartments. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent listening to people express their despair and giving advice to try and help them resolve their particular issues. Eventually, I got to thinking. What if I could gather all this good advice and make it available to the public? Oh sure, books have been written on this subject before. But not like this one! Why? Because I didn't just do a couple months of research from my computer. I lived it! I've seen it first hand. I know how it works, how it doesn't work, and how it should work. I designed this book to work for you, year after year. We all have enough to cope with day-to-day. Your home should be a sanctuary to get away from it all. The Renter's Bible will help you create that sanctuary. Thank you.

#   About The Author

Abe Voegtle is the author of The Renter's Bible. He has eight years of experience in property management and over fifteen years of construction related experience.

He lives in the Seattle area and enjoys playing music in his free time.


